— Verve Patient

Buccal Fat Pad Removal
What Is a Buccal Fat Pad Removal?
- Removes fat from your lower cheeks in order to contour the midface and create more defined cheek bones.
- This surgery can help adults with the rounded baby face to achieve a more mature facial contour.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
- Those with chubby cheeks or a round appearing face not caused by being overweight
- You should be at or close to your ideal weight, with a BMI less than 35.
- The best candidates are non-smokers. Smoking increases the chance of complications including impairment in wound healing.
The Procedures
- The inside cheek will be injected with numbing medication.
- A small incision will be created inside the mouth along the cheek.
- The fat pad will be dissected out using electrocautery.
- Once the fat pad has been removed, dissolvable sutures will be used to close the incision.
- No dressings are necessary on the incisions inside the mouth.
The Incisions
Incisions will be inside the mouth , so you will have no visible scarring.
Procedure Video
[Title screen for buccal fat pad removal]
[Uplifting music]
A buccal fat pad removal procedure removes a small amount of fat from the lower cheek area. Typically, we desire the enhancement of the cheekbone area, but the fat pad below the cheekbone can actually make your face look fuller or wider. Most patients looking for this procedure are looking to obtain a slimmer look. The procedure can be combined with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as neck liposuction or even face lift procedures. When we are performing a buccal fat pad removal by itself, the procedure can typically be performed in the office without general anesthesia. The procedure is relatively minor and has more predictable results.
- Since the fat is fully removed, results are permanent, even if you gain weight.
- Downtime is minimal. Most patients can return to their normal activities after three days.
- Depending on the overall contour of the lower face, often surgical procedures such as neck liposuction or a chin implant are used to further contour the lower face.
- Patients often add non-surgical facial rejuvenation such as Dermal fillers to contour the cheeks and jawline or micro needling + PRP to give their skin a completely refreshed appearance.
Request an Appointment
Call (760) 436-7600 or fill out the form to schedule an appointment to discuss your needs in detail