— Verve Patient

Tummy Tuck
Call to inquire about our new “drainless” tummy tuck technique and “six-pack sculpting”. The abdominal area is notoriously difficult to tighten and tone with diet and exercise alone. Complicating factors like pregnancy, aging and gravity can add to the challenge of maintaining an attractive midsection.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
Many tummy tuck candidates are mothers that have noticed changes in their abdomen after pregnancy or individuals that have lost a significant amount of weight but have loose skin and sagging in the abdominal area.
- Are physically and psychologically stable.
- Do not have any chronic medical conditions.
- Do not smoke.
- Are at or close to your ideal weight.
- Do not plan to become pregnant after surgery.
- Understand the procedure and the possible risks.
- Have reasonable goals of surgery.
The Procedures
Through the incision, Dr. Gupta will remove excess fat (using liposuction techniques), glandular tissue and skin. He will repair abdominal muscles that have separated or weakened and stitch them into place using internal sutures. He may reposition the navel higher on the abdomen if needed. Dr. Gupta will then re-drape the skin more tightly over the abdomen and close the incisions with sutures. He may place a supportive garment to help the tissues conform to their new contours.
Procedure Video
[Title screen for Tummy Tuck]
[Dr. Gupta speaking to the camera like an interview]
So a tummy tuck or abdominoplasty is a procedure designed to remove the excess skin and excess fat from lower half of the abdomen. Pretty common reasons for
[Video showing mom with baby and woman pulling her jeans out showing it is too big for her now]
to get a tummy tuck is after pregnancies or after weight loss.
[Dr. Gupta speaking to the camera like an interview]
But during tummy tuck we not only remove the excess skin, we also tighten the
[Arrows on a stomach showing how the tummy tuck works]
muscles inside to narrow your waistline. It gives beautiful contour and it’s sort of like
[Woman with hands on hip wearing a corset]
having a corset inside the body,
[Pregnant woman rubbing her belly]
pregnancy itself and the pregnancy hormones. They separate the two core muscles in the abdomen
[Diagram photos showing how pregnancy separates abdomen muscles and creates a gap]
and create a gap between the muscles, and once the muscles are separated, no matter how much you exercise, they will not return back to their normal anatomical position. They need to be sutured back together.
[Before and after photos of patients who underwent a tummy tuck]
[Dr. Gupta in a tummy tuck consultation with a patient]
It is a very safe procedure. It does have about two or three weeks of recovery time, but after that you can start to see the results
[Dr. Gupta speaking to the camera like an interview]
within three to four weeks and by six or seven weeks. You are going to be in a completely new body shape.
[Closing title screen with Verve Plastic Surgery logo]
[Call today (760) 436-7600]
One common recovery-related concern amongst tummy tuck patients is the fear of having drains placed after surgery. With Dr. Gupta, this is not a concern; his approach does not include using drains.
After tummy tuck, the abdominal area will be bruised, sore and swollen. It will be challenging to move around a lot (bending, lifting and straining are prohibited) so it’s best to get plenty of rest and relaxation. Short walks are good for circulation, but other than that, allow your body to heal at its own pace.
Learn More about Tummy Tuck
Diastasis is the separation of the abdominal muscles (the rectus muscles) that run straight down the abdomen to create the abdominal wall. These muscles often separate during pregnancy, which weakens your abdominal muscles, creates a bulge in the middle of the abdomen, and can even lead to an umbilical hernia. During your tummy tuck, Dr. Gupta will repair and tighten these muscles to restore core strength and achieve a tighter, flatter tummy.
This procedure has the same risks of anesthesia, infection and bleeding as those of any major surgery. Dr. Gupta uses the most advanced suturing techniques, which reduces the risk of infection and bleeding, and produces better healing, and less discomfort.
An abdominoplasty can help you recapture your figure, gain a flatter tummy, and improve your posture. Tightening the abdominal muscles helps to support the spine for improved posture, and reduced back pain!
When you have a tummy tuck with Dr. Gupta at Verve Plastic Surgery in Solana Beach, CA, you will receive complete rejuvenation of your abdomen and waist, and the health benefits of repaired muscles.
Request an Appointment
Call (760) 436-7600 or fill out the form to schedule an appointment to discuss your needs in detail