— Verve Patient

Get rid of problem areas permanently. When diet and exercise fail to reduce areas of surplus fat, liposuction is a great alternative. Safe and effective, liposuction can contour large areas of the body such as the abdomen or thighs, or refine smaller areas like the knees and neck.
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What Is Liposuction?
Liposuction is permanent fat removal that occurs by sucking out excess fat cells from underneath the skin. It is best indicated for stubborn areas of fat which have been unsuccessfully removed even with diet and exercise. Liposuction can contour large areas of the body, such as the abdomen or thighs, or refine smaller areas like the knees and neck.
Who Is a Good Candidate?
- Anyone who is interested in getting rid of problem areas permanently.
- When diet and exercise fail to reduce areas of surplus fat, liposuction is a great alternative.
- You should be at or close to your ideal weight, with a BMI less than 35.
- The best candidates are non-smokers. Smoking increases the chance of complications including impairment in wound healing.
The Procedures
- Liposuction is performed on an outpatient basis in a hospital or surgery center under general anesthesia.
- Dr. Gupta will begin by making several small incisions in the treatment area. Through the incisions, he will insert a cannula (small, thin tube) and move it back and forth through the fat deposits to break up the fat. Once the fat has been broken up, Dr. Gupta uses gentle suction to remove it from the body. He works carefully to produce smooth contours and avoid any surface irregularities for a flawless result.
- Once Dr. Gupta has finished removing the fat, he will place a compression garment over the treated area to minimize post-operative swelling and help the tissues conform to their new contours.
- There will be some bruising, swelling and mild discomfort after liposuction; however, with the compression garment in place, swelling will be minimal and will subside quickly. The other side effects are also temporary.
The Incisions
The incision for liposuction and fat injections are very small, 1 centimeter or less. Depending on the number of areas liposuction is performed, there will be multiple small 1cm incisions.
Procedure Video
[Title screen for Procedure – Liposuction]
[Dr. Gupta speaking to the camera like an interview]
Liposuction is primarily a procedure to remove fat from the body. As the name would suggest,
[Illustration showing the liposuction process, before and after]
we are suctioning the fat from underneath the skin.
[Dr. Gupta speaking to the camera like an interview]
Main thing to know about liposuction is that it does not reduce the amount of skin that we leave behind.
[Illustration showing how the fat under skin looks before and after liposuction and highlighting most common areas for liposuction on the body]
Most common places where we do liposuction is abdomen, the flanks, hips or inner thigh area. Sometimes we do the back area and the gluteal area as well.
[Dr. Gupta speaking to the camera like an interview]
You can expect some bruising after liposuction that is common, but typically the bruising resolves within seven to ten days. During that time you will have some discomfort, but that can be easily managed with pain medications and liposuction is relatively less limiting to your day-to-day activities. Another great thing about liposuction procedure is that we don’t have to waste the fat that was removed.
[Image of surgeon performing liposuction on patient in operating room]
We can actually collect that fat, wash it, and inject it into other places where some volume enhancement is desired.
[Dr. Gupta speaking to the camera like an interview]
The common places we inject fat is breast, buttock area, and face and
[Patients looking at themselves in the mirror in satisfaction]
patients love it because they lose the fat from their undesired places and they gain enhancement at the places that they desire.
[Closing title screen with Verve Plastic Surgery logo]
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Typically, over the age of 30 the skin does not have enough elasticity to tighten after large amounts of liposuction. If excess skin and excess fat are your concerns, surgical excision of the skin may also be indicated.
Yes. Lymphatic massage will help your body to reduce swelling quicker as well as help to remove any additional fat cells that were damaged or traumatized during your procedure.
Yes. Fat that is removed during liposuction is commonly used to increase volume to the breasts, buttocks or restore facial volume.
It is recommended to wear your provided compression garment for at least 6 weeks. Often there is a lot of swelling with liposuction and fat transfer and the garment will help reduce swelling.
Request an Appointment
Call (760) 436-7600 or fill out the form to schedule an appointment to discuss your needs in detail